Spring Cleanup.jpg

The Works

  • Machine Power Rake of Turf area's

  • Deep Core Aeration of Turf area's

  • Hand rake of picked up thatch and Aeration plugs

  • Edging in the front yard where turf meets concrete

  • Season First Lawn Mow and Trim

  • Bagging of all Debris


The Standard

  • Machine Power Rake of Turf area's

  • Hand rake of picked up thatch

  • Season First Lawn Mow and Trim

  • Bagging of all Debris


The Basic

  • Deep Core Aeration

  • High Nitrogen Fertilization


The Custom

Your Custom package! Let us know what services you would like us to do

*Prices based on lawn sq footage and are subject to change depending on lot size


Do I need to be home at the time of service?
As long as your yard is clean and we have full access our applicators will begin your treatment. You'll receive at least 24hrs notice prior to our certified applicators coming to perform the service. If the date does not work simply give us a call or email and we will be happy to reschedule you. 
What is the purpose of Spring Aeration?
Aerating in the Spring helps your lawn by decreasing soil compaction. By alleviating this compaction we increase our lawns ability to absorb water and nutrients which will help ensure a beautiful green lawn come the summer month's!
What is the purpose of Power Raking?
Power Raking removes excess organic debris from our lawns. This build up of "thatch" creates a barrier that limits the soil's absorption of water, nutrients and air which can cause a slow to grow or unhealhy lawn!
Should I apply fertilizer?
Fertilizing your lawn in the spring helps it bounce back from the stressor's put on it throughout the year by stimulating growth and increasing nutrient uptake. Fertilizing right after our crews have reduced Soil compaction and Thatch build up will ensure your lawn starts growing Optimally for the summer season!
When will the fertilizer start to work?
Our fertilizer blend is a slow-release formula to reduce the chance of burning and the soil's absorption of these nutrients. We recommend significant and frequent waterings in the mornings and or evenings especially during the hot/dry months of July and August. 
When is my lawn safe to walk on after Spring Cleanup?
You can begin to use your lawn immediately after service! If we applied fertilizer we recommend watering before allowing pets free use, however if you don't it's okay! When your pets come back inside you can check their pads for fertilizer pellets and remove those pellets as necessary. 
How does weather affect my treatment scheduling?
If you have a treatment scheduled and the weather prevents the service. We will contact you and you will be scheduled for the next serviceable date. 


 Lawn Enforcement Peace of Mind

Your local trusted lawn service provider offering year-round, seasonal maintenance and weed control. Our promise to our customers, free technical advice, customer satisfaction guaranteed on weed/dandelion multi-spray packages. Service will be completed by a professional and certified applicator, thoroughly and in a timely manner.